Whale Writers Workshop Club Visits A Professional Writer!

Last week the Whales writing club had the special opportunity to visit Ms. Jenni Luckett, Senior Writer and Editor for the Pacific University magazine, Pacific. During their visit, Whales were surprised to hear that professional writers do an awful lot of the same things that they do during their own writing club practice! Ms. Julie shared the following information about Ms. Jenni's presentation.

"Ms. Jenni shared with us that when she sets out to write a story, she gathers all kinds of information. She asks lots of questions from the people she is interviewing and writes down how she feels about the experience. Sometimes, she even tries new things so she can write from personal experience. She told the Whales a wonderful story about rappelling, and how she tried it so she could really write about it with feeling. Ms. Jenni also shared that when she writes something, she re-writes it - sometimes 4 times! Then, she has people edit it for her just to be certain it is correct. Ms. Jenni told us one of the most important tools a writer has is reading. She said that all good writers are big readers and she herself loves reading! As we left Ms. Jenni's office, we met the 2 graphic artists and the photographer that are part of her team. They gifted us a map that they had made of the school and Ms. Jenni gave us a brand-new writing pen." 

We came back to the classroom inspired, and ready to continue our own writing practice. Thank you Ms. Jenni!