Apples, the Cedar Classroom and More!

Whales spent time investigating the inside of apples this week. We noticed right away that “something was living inside our apples”. After sharing some hypotheses about what might be causing the problem “a worm”, “a slug”, “some dirt”, “a moth”, Whales learned that the problem was caused by the Apple Codling Moth, an insect whose larva eats the flesh of an apple. After studying the life cycle of the moth more closely, Whales came up with some solutions for how to solve our apple moth problem. They spent time making traps and cleaning up the dead leaves and apples under our trees. Whales are scientists and engineers!

Other apple-y things we did included engineering towers with apples and toothpicks, counting how many apples we could balance on our heads…and how many mindful steps we could take without them tumbling off. Whales showed amazing precision and grace with both activities!

On Friday we held an Apple Tasting and discovered that the 2018-2019 Whales love Honeycrisp apples the best!

Whales had a chance to visit the new Cedar Classroom three times this week. They climbed and jumped and balanced and discovered the amazing space along with their Otter friends!