Inspired By Changemakers!

The Whales have learned about so many people who have helped inspire change in the world! We discovered that there are steps that every changemaker goes through when they begin their work. First, they Identify a Problem, then they Seek a Solution and finally they Bring Others Along. We spent time this week sharing ideas about why each step might be important in the process of making change in the world.

This week, we studied the work of female architect Zaha Hadid, tree lover Kate Sessions, activist Malala Yousafzai and in particular the work of Louis Braille, Yash Gupta and Dr. Patricia Bath. The Whales explored what it might feel like (and how hard it would be!) to be blind or vision impaired. We discovered the results of the work of Louis Braille all over our classroom and lunchroom at the ELC.

Whale teachers have heard the following refrain often this week “I want to be a Changemaker when I grow up!”. Whales are strong, brave, powerful and kind people!