Hibernation Sites, Shapes and a Mystery Reader Visit to Remember!

After finishing their research on hibernating animals, the Whales worked together this week to create Black Bear dens, Brown Bat caves, Garter Snake hibernaculum, and NW Painted Turtle carapace and plastrons. We talked about the qualities important to each animal’s hibernation site and worked to include those elements in the design. We look forward to sharing our sites and research with our preschool friends next week.

The Whales continued the study of shapes, focusing on the concepts of sides and corners in 3-D shapes. We are even learning trickier shapes like pentagons, hexagons, octagons and trapezoids. We will start the study of 3-D shapes next week.

To end an already pretty-amazing week, the Whales had a special visit from a Mystery Reader dressed as a real-life astronaut! Mr. Nate arrived wearing his space suit and read a book (which he had written and published!) all about space. The Whales had lots of questions and were utterly transfixed by his presence - so exciting!