Thunder & Lightning and States Of Matter Chemistry fun!

The Whales had an exciting week of Whale Weather Reports and learning all about what makes thunder and lightning. We even spent time creating thunder and lightning in the classroom - what crazy-good fun! On the same day, Whales participated in a shared reading of the book Thundercake by Patricia Palacco and then made their own Thundercake with Ms. Abby. It was a fitting way to celebrate Ms. Abby’s last day with us. The Whales were so sad to say goodbye, but we’re hopeful she’ll come back to visit one day soon.

During our weather unit, and specifically our study of the water cycle, the Whales learned all about different states of matter. To help further cement those concepts, the Whales were lucky enough to be visited by Mr. Dave, Pacific Chemistry professor and Whale dad! The Whales were transfixed as they watched the chemistry experiments that highlighted changing states of matter. The photos tell the story of one very happy and exciting week with the Whales!