Exploring Ted Harrison, Shapes, and Hibernation

What a week the Whales have had! The Whales dived deeper into their hibernation research, have started a new art study, and have been exploring 2-Dimensional shapes. During the week, the Whales got together with their hibernation research groups and worked to learn more about their hibernating animal. They started on their hibernating animal research paper, and illustrated a drawing to show the facts that they learned. A huge shoutout to Ms. Liesl who worked with some of our Whales during their researching. Next week the Whales will begin on creating hibernation sites for their hibernating animals.

The Whales are currently studying the artist, Ted Harrison. Who is popular for creating colorful landscape paintings. The Whales used oil pastels to create outlines for their landscapes. Next week they will finish painting their landscapes, using different bright colors. Look up some Ted Harrison art at home, and ask your Whale to talk about their noticing’s of the landscapes. This group of Whales supports each other everyday. During our atelier time, Whales were telling each other how spectacular their art looks. It’s so enduring to hear the Whales compliment each other. They continue to fill each others buckets.

In math, we have started our study on shapes. This week and next week we will be looking at 2-Dimensional shapes. We have been talking about the characteristics to the 2D shapes. We talked about the differences between squares, and rectangles. We talked about how many sides the different shapes have. After 2D shapes, we will explore 3D shapes. We also continue on our countdown to 100. We are up to 72 days of school. We are excited to celebrate our 100th day of school in February.

As always, the Whales have been having a blast during wiggle time. Wiggle time takes place right before our reading time. It is a time for Whales to get up and move their bodies before refocusing on small group literacy time. This week the Whales have been playing big body rock, paper, scissors. Ask your Whale how to play this easy and fun game at home.

The Whales continue to grow in all aspects of the classroom. They show kindness to one another. The Whales classroom is always full of curiosity, excitement, and friendship.