Composting and Chemistry with Whales

After talking about the health of our earth during Earth Week, the Whales decided that they wanted to do something to give back to our planet. The Whales have decided to take on composting at the ELC. We made teaching posters to hang in the other classrooms at the ELC, educating friends about what is acceptable to compost and what is not. We delivered our first load of compost to the UC. It felt good knowing that our food waste would be turned into rich soil for new plants and trees!

On Friday, the Whales had an extra special visit from Chemistry Professor Dave! We got to watch all kinds of experiments based on states of matter. The Whales have been learning about states of matter as it relates to rain and the water cycle, so the presentation was even more exciting to watch. The photos give you just a glimpse of the level of excitement in our classroom!

Happy Earth Day from the Whales!