Landscapes and Birds

In honor of Earth Week, Whales spent time studying the beautiful paintings of British landscape artist Claire West. We talked about perspective, noticing how layers within a landscape look to our eye, as we used the terms here, near and far. Using artists chalk, smoothed and set with liquid starch, Whales began the first layer in their painting. The colors are stunning! We will go back and add our details in the near and here portions of our landscape next week.

We began our bird unit this week, and Whales have been noticing one another’s birds outside in the Piazza and in many of the books we have been reading. We completed the first part of our multi-step research paper and learned some cool facts about our birds!

We spent time examining feathers, looking at the structure, color, shape and form our feathers took. We did some experiments with air movement (we know all about that from our weather unit!) and discovered that flight feathers did a much better job moving air than downy or semi-plume feathers did. More bird talk to come!